Wala na sa hulog si ako....

Yap, nawala na ko sa hulog simula ng dumating ako hangga ngayon sa dami ng ginagawa ko sa bagong opit. It was a big mistake not to come back at least one day before I start on my new work. Di ko tuloy naayos lahat ang gamit ko..

Eto ang mga example:
- the day I've arrived and preparing some things for work, I couldn't find my EZ link card, couldn't remember where I put it.
- Saturday, I couldn't remember where I keep all my completed cross stiches, I can only think of taking out all the things in my closet, hoping I'll find them among my things
- Now I couldn't find my ATM card and I am looking for it everywhere I can think of..

Hayyyy, the OC in me is lost...This is the effect of cramming right into work. I couldn't think systematically....

P.S. - found my ATM inside my passport holder...heh...


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