Jolo and his pets....

My nephew really like to take care of animals..the only problem is at his young age those pets really didn't last long and he always get upset whenever his latest pets goes on...
Last time he has a couple of love birds, some fishes and a hamster. When the birds died, his papa got him some chinese chickens and he was happy..then he lost his fishes (which sometimes he feeds rice grains hehe..) and then lost his hamster too...So when he recently lost his chinese chickens he got upset and threw tantrums like why all his pets died...Just yesterday I learned that his father got him some fishes again ang a much bigger aquarium and he was telling Tita Chel that I will bring him oxygen daw for the fishes hehe..I have an extra aquarium pump here and i was telling Wena I'll bring it home for his fishes, so that's where he got the oxygen part..Now he was saying he wants a dog this small daw but he doesn't want the dog to grow big...mga kids nga naman....
Anyway Jolo is six years old and it's so endearing to know that he likes pets like us too...