Meet-up with Gary, Fritz & Jen

Since their visit in Singapore we always said we have to go out when we come home to pinas and so after so much postponement due to each others time table of activities in this busy season, finally the meet-up happened today.

Initially we are planning to go to Tagaytay but since we are so pressed for time we went to Pontefino for dinner instead, food was blah but company was great. Anyway we thought Pontefino still have the band thing but then the bar was closed already, no business I guess.

We had great conversations and had a good laugh about everything. After dinner we decided to hang out some more and the sisters suggested Al-fresco near Days Hotel for some music, went there, decided it’s not to our liking then went to San Mig bar in Balagtas, they have a live band playing and so we stay a bit, had a few beers, laugh some more specially on the location being in the “red light district”. Right up next door is a place called “Playmates”…Eric & Gary had a good look at the babes in their billboard nyehehe…

We left around 11pm after the first set coz have to have an early start tomorrow for some serious ninong-ninang sa kasal thingy…

That was good fun; we have to do it again guys!!!


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