Watching out for the unthinkable.......
We were at TTSH yesterday to visit the guy who was involved in the accident. He was okay and had some shoulder and ankle fractures.
This entry is not about the accident, though we are really glad that he was okay.
Well, it was commendable how the hospital has a very stringent temperature scanning and registration for those entering / visiting the hospital.
There was only one entry, on which a scanner is in place to check individual person temperature. Then you have to fall in line again for registration for contact tracing if something happen,
they will stamped your hand to identify those that has been registered and only allowed two person at a time to go visit a patient. They also have a set-up for receiving patients in case of outbreak. That's really a very good practice...
With this current virus scare what the people here is doing is being very responsible and very watchful for the possible spread...