Father's Day

Talked to father just now and after listening to his rant about my brother I've at least greeted him a happy father's day. For me he is the best father there is, we all grew up without him supervising or disciplining us hence the reason why all five of us is not that really close with him. He did not have a choice, he has to go out of the country to give us the best education, best life that money can get. Initially I have not really grasp the sacrifice he did for all of us and probably until now my siblings does not understand fully his sacrifices. I've only learned about it when it was my turn to work somewhere far away from home. I'm luckier somehow that my work is pretty much easier that his. When I saw our site people working under the hot sun all day long, that was the time that I fully understand what he did for us. And he did it for 25 yrs of his life.

Most son/daughter will always side with their mother but I've always been a father's girl from the start. We have the same traits and as I am the eldest I feel that I understand him more than the others and that includes my mother. I love them both dearly anyway.

I am so grateful that he has given us the chance to have a proper education and that I am proud to say that all five of us have finished our degree and that was made possible by our dear father whose principle is that he can only give his sons & daughters education as he doesn't have anything to pass on to us. For that alone I am so grateful. We will not be here without him and my mother.

Last month we celebrated his 60th birthday and I am sure we made him happy on that special day. As today is also special I would like to wish him the best of health and more happy life ahead of him.

Tay, don't think and worry too much!! We all love you...


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