Good Bye Miss Ma H.B.

She's one of many pinoy co-workers here and she's the one who showed me on how to get about the place. She told me and accompanied me on my first church service here. My hubs did not joined me until 5mos later and because of that Ms H. and I were always together after work. We'll eat out together then window shop until 10pm. We have the same taste in style and shopping with her is quite enjoyable. After labs came then we rarely go out together although we still talk to each other in the office. Having the chance to know her makes me realize how I miss all my girl friends back home. I am glad that I know her here and hopefully will be able to see her again someday.

She's leaving for personal reasons, it's time for her to move on and I wish her all the best that life has to offer, and all the blessings that God will grant her….
Bye dear, it was nice working with you…do keep in touch…..


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