Things that I would like to do.....

1) Read all the books that I have been buying for the last few months (about 5 books now since I've stopped reading...)

2) Re-watch my whole set of "Friends" series (season 1 to season 10)

3) Start on a new cross stitch pattern (I still have not found my completed cross stitches till now....)

4) Organize all the photos taken and create cd back-ups (before the desk top pc crash again...)

5) Update my other diary and this blog on a daily basis

6) Organize all the old photos I have brought over from pinas

7) Do a scrapbook of all my fave photos

8) Learn how to knit

9) Watch hubby's dvd collection of movies and tv series

10) Organize the software cd's at home

11) Make a movie out of all my mini dv's taken on special occasions here and in pinas

12) Spend hours on my apple laptop since I am really not using it these past few months

13) Update some new songs on my ipod, getting tired of listening to the same album everyday during my train ride

14) Organize the study room layout

15) Buy cd cases for those "hubad" cds

16) Re-watch some favorite movies re: About a Boy, Love Actually, Kungfu Hustle, etc, etc

17) Go to Borders and browse on books that I would like to buy

18) Buy some new music cds as I haven't bought any for the past six months yata....

19) Plan a real vacation for hubby and me

20) Just laze around the house doing nothing for once.......

I really don't have much spare times for above list and I wish I could at least do five out of 20....hay layp......
sometimes I miss those old days of just me alone in an empty house.......


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