Happy Birthday Jesus Christ....

Today, as we celebrate Jesus birthday.
Let us all be thankful for all HIS blessings on this Special day....

Celebrate this Christmas
The birth of God’s Holy Son
Give praise and thanks
For all that God has done
The miracles at this time
Are all too often hard to see
All of our time is spent
Buying presents for under the tree
Don’t forget the reason
Behind this glorious day
Was a babe born in a manger
On that blessed Christmas Day
His life was laid down for us
Christ, he gave us his all
To suffer our sins for us
In hopes that no one would fall
Our sins have been forgiven
All that’s asked is we believe
There are no words to express
The love he has for us
Remember how he suffered
Before he died on the cross
Worship him this Christmas
Fall on bended knee
Lift your voices singing praises
Let him be all you need
Though presents and decorations
Are a lot of fun
Give thanks to God this Christmas
He gave the most precious gift to us,
The life of his only Son

--"Precious Gift" by Stephanie Cherie Burger


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