Memories of Early Christmas (part2)

Well here's another one that I remember well,

Every Christmas (and I was in my elementary school), we will think of some ideas or borrow some ideas to have a christmas tree at home...since we can not afford? or won't buy those plastic, big christmas trees, we always think of something to create a homemade Christmas tree....

One season we have this walis tingting as christmas tree, we bought or made a new walis tingting then put it up in a bilao, keep the base steady with rocks, decorated the base with crepe paper (red, of course), or those shiny paper (forgot what's its called), and then we'll string up some paper cut-outs and decorate the walis ting ting strands...o di me christmas tree na kami..

Another one I remember so well also is that we have to drag home, old dry branches of either bayabas tree or kakawati and then put it in a milk can, again with lots of rocks to keep it up, then decorate the whole branches with cotton (parang snow? hehehe)...tapos we'll hang some red christmas balls and if we're lucky maybe a string of christmas lights...

I don't remember us having a proper christmas tree at all...but it was fun doing all those things before.....

As for other Christmas decor, we always have a "parol" made from scratch as it's always a project during christmas season....


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